PVC Agility Practice Weave Poles


These poles are not attached to each other like competition weave poles. They are individually placed into the ground for varied training aspects. Slant them for beginning training, then slowly upright them as the dog gets more advanced. Use one, two, three or more for starting out or other creative course building.


Agility PVC weave poles

Agility PVC weave poles

2014-12-29 02.59.54

Individual poles made from white PVC with nail ends to put outside into the ground, approx. 30″ in length.          



     Not for indoor use or competitions.

  1 – pole    $ 5.00   (* plus $15 shipping)
  6 – poles  $30.00  (* plus $20 shipping)
12 – poles  $60.00  (* plus $30 shipping)





Additional information

agility weave poles

1 agility weave pole, 6 agility weave poles, 12 agility weave poles